WEBINAR INVITATION: “Freedom of religion or belief and gender equality in the context of SDGs”
Freedom of Belief Initiative invites you for a discussion on “Freedom of religion or belief and gender equality in the context of SDGs”. The webinar will be held on Wednesday 6th October 2021, at 19.30 (GMT+3). Registration is required.
Date: 6 October 2021, Wednesday Time :19.30-20.45 (GMT+3)
The event will be held in Turkish and English and simultaneous translation from Turkish to English and English to Turkish will be available.
Information and link of the Zoom meeting will be sent to registered participants before the event.
Senior researcher of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Dr. Marie Juul Petersen will present the highlights of her report, Promoting Freedom of Religion or Belief and Gender Equality in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Focus on Access to Justice, Education and Health.
The Report, translated into Turkish by the Freedom of Belief Initiative, provides reflections on expert consultations exploring the nexus between freedom of religion or belief and gender equality in relation to different sustainable development goals (SDGs). Recommendations and concrete action ideas offer ways of moving forward for diverse stakeholders. The report provides a basic introduction to the relationship between freedom of religion or belief and gender equality. It examines these rights areas in the context of SDGs. Furthermore, it provides a snapshot of the examples, experiences and ideas discussed at the workshops and aims to encourage further research and analyses as a resource.
The Education Reform Initiative’s Director Işık Tüzün will evaluate access to the right to education in the context of the right to freedom of religion and belief and gender equality in Turkey. She will also reflect on how these two rights can be developed in Turkey within the scope of SDGs. The webinar will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar.
For further questions, please contact us at ft@nhc.no.
Dr. Marie Juul Petersen
Dr. Marie Juul Petersen is a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for Human Rights. Her research focuses on the intersections between religion and human rights, including the international promotion of the right to freedom of religion or belief; the role of faith-based NGOs in development cooperation; and Islam and women’s rights. She has published extensively on these issues. She has carried out consultancies for various government and intergovernmental institutions, including the Danish Foreign Ministry and EU INTPA, and she is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Transatlantic Policy Dialogue on Religion and Diplomacy.
Işık Tüzün
Işık Tüzün, is the Director of the Education Reform Initiative. She graduated from Koç University, Department of International Relations in 2004. She holds a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam (ISS), located in The Hague. During her graduate studies at ISS, she majored in Politics of Alternative Development and minored in Poverty Studies. After working as a researcher at the History Foundation for a while, she joined the ERG team in June 2007. During this period, she mainly worked on issues such as children’s rights, gender equality, freedom of religion and belief, and took part in the advisory boards of various projects in these areas, carried out by non-governmental organizations. She was part of the Preparatory Group on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education between 2015 and 2017. She wrote a report on gender equality in education and the right to education of refugee children. She worked in several NGO Projects, including Ashoka Foundation, Association for Monitoring Gender Equality and Gender Equality Monitoring Association and Another Education is Possible Association.
Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar
Prof. Dr. Serpil Sancar, has PhD of political science and gender studies and worked as professor between 2003-2019 in Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University. She has been working on gender equality issues and she published several academic articles and books and completed research on women and masculinity studies. She is also conducted numerous research projects on gender issues, organized trainings and worked as trainer in collaboration with women’s rights associations. She is one of the founders of Women’s Studies Center of Ankara University (KASAUM) and worked as director of KASAUM and Women and Gender Studies Graduate Program in academia for a long time. She is also one of the founders of Gender Equality Monitoring Association (CEİD). She worked as gender expert and voluntary member of CEİD since its inception days.
This event was produced with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of European Union Sivil Düşün Programme. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Freedom of Belief Initiative and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.