‘Alevi faculty’ waits for approval / “Alevi fakültesi” onay bekliyor
Hurriyet Daily News, 05.09.2011
Yazının Türkçe özeti aşağıda bulunmaktadır.
The Imam Ali Education Center, which bills itself as Turkey’s first “Alevi faculty,” will be established at universities under the departments of theology pending approval from the Higher Education Board, or YÖK, according to members of the Ehl-i Beyt Faith Association, which is spearheading the move.
The Hz. Ali Learning Center has already begun teaching pilot classes this summer through the financial support of the mayor of Istanbul’s Tuzla district, Dr. Şadi Yazıcı of the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP.
Some 37 courses on subjects ranging from the Quran to English and logic are to be taught in the institution with correspondence diplomas provided by Iran’s Al-Mustafa University.
Mehmet Özdurmaz, the president of the Ehl-i Beyt Faith Association, said the aim of the faculty was to provide theological education on the Alevi faith. Özdurmaz said they had asked the Theology Faculty at Istanbul’s Marmara University as to whether it would be possible to establish such a center under their department. Some theology faculties have nonetheless established departments pertaining to Alevism he said.
Ehl-i Beyt Derneği’ne göre, kendini Türkiye’nin ilk “Alevi fakültesi” olarak adlandıran İmam Ali Eğitim Merkezi, YÖK’ten onay aldığı takdirde ilahiyat fakülteleri altında faaliyetlerine başlayacak. Diğer taraftan, Hz. Ali Eğitim Merkezi, bu yaz boyunca pilot dersler vermeye başladı. Dersler için mali destek İstanbul’un AKP’li Tuzla Belediyesi tarafından sağlandı. Ehl-i Beyt Derneği Başkanı Mehmet Özdurmaz fakültenin amacının Alevi inancı hakkında ilahiyat eğitimi vermek olduğunu açıkladı.